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Showing results 7939 to 7958 of 11786 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
25-Dec-2018t-Exponential Memory Networks for Question-Answering MachinesTolias, Kyriakos ; Chatzis, Sotirios P. 
22-Aug-2013T792 Tear GasZantides, Evripides 
20-Dec-2022Ta Poulia tis Kyprou - Birds of CyprusKorae, Eva ; Andreou, Theodora ; Karacosta, T. Nayia 
24-May-2015Tabletop support for collaborative design: an initial evaluation of IdeaSpaceIoannou, Andri ; Loizides, Fernando ; Vasiliou, Christina ; Zaphiris, Panayiotis ; Parmaxi, Antigoni 
2016Tabletops for peace: Technology Enhanced Peacemaking in School ContextsIoannou, Andri ; Antoniou, Chrystalla G. 
1-Jan-2023Tackling pandemic-related health grand challenges: The role of organizational ambidexterity, social equality, and innovation performanceChristofi, Michael ; Stylianou, Ioanna ; Hadjielias, Elias ; De Massis, Alfredo ; Kastanakis, Minas N. 
1-Oct-2024Tactical citizenships: Encounters with everyday state in the Republic of CyprusKouros, Theodoros 
2021Tactics against antiquity: the contemporary ancient MesseneKoutsomichalis, Marinos 
1-Sep-2021Tailor-made hydroponic recipes for the production of high quality medicinal and aromatic plantsChrysargyris, Antonios ; Tzortzakis, Nikos G. 
2023Take a piece of peace, pleasePanayides, Angelos 
7-Nov-2022Take a piece of peace, pleasePanayides, Angelos 
31-Oct-2016Taking the next step in digital documentation of historic cities: How hermes evolved in an open data digital library of historic buildingsChatzigrigoriou, Pavlos 
1-May-2024Talking HandsStylianou-Lambert, Theopisti ; Stefani, Elisavet ; Nicolaou, Polina ; Given, Michael 
16-Jul-2020The talks on the Cyprus problem at Crans-Montana, Switzerland (28.06 – 07.07.17) and the Greek-Cypriot Press: The views of newspapers Alithia, Politis and HaravgiAntoniades, Euripides 
9-Feb-2021The tamarind forest: an augmented virtuality experiencePolydorou, Doros 
2-Sep-2022Tapered CYTOP Optical Fiber for Single Peak FBG SensorWoyessa, Getinet Taffesse ; Theodosiou, Andreas ; Markos, Christos ; Kalli, Kyriacos ; Bang, Ole 
2020Target for 100% Renewable Energy Systems Use in Cyprus for Electricity ProductionAgathokleous, Rafaela ; Kalogirou, Soteris A. 
15-Jul-2019Tax evasion, tax monitoring expenses and economic growth: an empirical analysis in OECD countriesChatzimichael, Konstantinos ; Kalaitzidakis, Pantelis ; Tzouvelekas, Vangelis 
1-Jul-2019A taxonomy generation tool for semantic visual analysis of large corpus of documentsCarrion, Belen ; Onorati, Teresa ; Diaz, Paloma ; Triga, Vasiliki 
Mar-2019TDNetGen: An open-source, parametrizable, large-scale, transmission and distribution test systemPilatte, Nicolas ; Aristidou, Petros ; Hug, Gabriela