| Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
| 2012 | Agricultural use of sludge and treated wastewater from sewage treatment plants | Marinova, Svetla ; Toncheva, R. ; Zlatareva, E. ; Pchelarova, H. ; Kathijotes, Nicholas |
| 2003 | Application of municipal sludge to forestland: nitrogen leachate control | Kathijotes, Nicholas |
| 2003 | Application of wastewater sludge to forestland possibilities and prospects | Koleva, Milena ; Kathijotes, Nicholas |
| Oct-2015 | Aquaculture, coastal pollution and the environment | Alam, Lubna ; Kontou, Artemis ; Kathijotes, Nicholas |
| 2010 | Assessing impact of low quality water used in irrigated agriculture on food production | Zhivko, Zhivkov ; Torma, Stanislav ; Vilcek, Josef ; Dimitrov, Peter ; Kathijotes, Nicholas |
| 2008 | Assessing suitability of water for irrigation in Bulgaria | Dimitrov, Peter ; Kalcheva, Spaska ; Simeonova, Tsetska ; Kathijotes, Nicholas |
| 2008 | Assessment and usage in agriculture of water from wastewater treatment stations | Marinova, Svetla ; Torma, Stanislav ; Dimitrov, Peter ; Kathijotes, Nicholas |
| 2015 | Assessment of environmental and human health risk for contamination of heavy metal in Tilapia fish collected from Langat Basin, Malaysia | Alam, Lubna ; Mokhtar, Mazlin Bin ; Alam, Md. Mahmudul ; Bari, Md. Azizul ; Ta, Goh Choo ; Kathijotes, Nicholas |
| 2008 | Atmospheric pollution control resulting from land application of farm liquid wastes | Marinova, Svetla ; Kathijotes, Nicholas |
| 2014 | Blue technologies: the water- energy interrelationship and renewable energies | Kathijotes, Nicholas |
| 2014 | Blue Technology towards Sustainable Urban and Coastal Development | Kathijotes, Nicholas |
| 2005 | Chemical Changes in Alluvial Lawn Soils, Fertilized by Sediments from Wastewater Treatment Stations | Marinova, Svetla ; Tsolova, V. ; Kathijotes, Nicholas |
| 2011 | Coastal pollution of the Black Sea from livestock farms - evaluation and control methods | Marinova, Svetla ; Kathijotes, Nicholas |
| 2009 | Decision support system for low quality water use in agriculture | Kalcheva, Spaska ; Torma, Stanislav ; Vilcek, Josef ; Dimitrov, Peter ; Kathijotes, Nicholas |
| 2014 | Development of water management systems in ancient Cyprus | Azina, Panayiota ; Kathijotes, Nicholas |
| 2009 | Ecological approach for chemical amelioration of Solonetz with Gypsum from sulfur gases | Zlatareva, E. ; Marinova, Svetla ; Kathijotes, Nicholas |
| 2009 | Ecological evaluation of the coastal and marine zones of the island of Cyprus- pollution and nutrient control | Kathijotes, Nicholas |
| 2005 | Effects of treated wastewater and sludge in agriculture: environmental and growth evaluation of selected cultures | Marinova, Svetla ; Petrov, K. ; Kathijotes, Nicholas |
| 2009 | Evaluation and control, of marine pollution due to land-based activities – a preview of the Cyprus case | Kathijotes, Nicholas |
| 2010 | Evaluation and Control, of Marine Pollution due to Land-Based Activities – A Preview of the Cyprus Case | Kathijotes, Nicholas |