Browsing by Subject Modal Analysis

Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Jan-2021Development of a new fundamental period formula by considering soil-structure interaction with the use of machine learning algoritmsTaljaard, Vicky Lee ; Gravett, Dewald Z. ; Mourlas, Christos ; Markou, George ; Bakas, Nikolaos P. ; Papadrakakis, Manolis 
1-Jan-2022Improved Predictive Fundamental Period Formula for Reinforced Concrete Structures through the Use of Machine Learning AlgorithmsCarstens, Nathan ; Markou, George ; Bakas, Nikolaos P. 
15-May-2021State-of-the-art investigation of wind turbine structures by considering the soil-structure interaction phenomenonGravett, Dewald Z. ; Markou, George 
15-May-2021State-of-the-art investigation of wind turbine structures founded on soft clay by considering the soil-foundation-structure interaction phenomenon – Optimization of battered RC pilesGravett, Dewald Z. ; Markou, George