Browsing by Authors Konstantopoulos, Kostas

Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
May-2011Acoustic analysis of sequential motion rates in the dysarthria of multiple sclerosisCharalambous, Marina ; Verhoeven, Jo ; Seikel, John Anthony ; Konstantopoulos, Kostas 
4-Aug-2021Effectiveness of Aural-Oral Approach Based on Volubility of a Deaf Child with Late-Mapping Bilateral Cochlear ImplantsBinos, Paris ; Theodorou, Elena ; Elriz, Thekla ; Konstantopoulos, Kostas 
Aug-2011Sequential motion rates in the dysarthria of multiple sclerosis: A temporal analysisKonstantopoulos, Kostas ; Charalambous, Marina ; Verhoeven, Jo