Browsing by Authors Hough, Rupert Lloyd

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Aug-2019Human biomonitoring as a tool for exposure assessment in industrially contaminated sites (Icss). lessons learned within the ics and health european networkColles, Ann ; Ardeleanu, Elena-Roxana ; Candeias, Carla ; Ranzi, Andrea ; Demeter, Zoltán ; Hofer, Adam ; Kowalska, Malgorzata ; Makris, Konstantinos C. ; Arrebola, Juan Pedro ; Hough, Rupert Lloyd ; Pérez-Carrascosa, Francisco Miguel ; Iavarone, Ivano ; Martin-Olmedo, Piedad ; Kalantzi, Olga-Ioanna ; Ancona, Carla ; Pasetto, Roberto ; Fletcher, Tony J. ; Hoek, Gerard ; De Hoogh, Kees