Browsing by Authors Lavie, Nilli

Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
5-May-2014Blinded by the load: attention, awareness and the role of perceptual loadLavie, Nilli ; Beck, Diane M ; Konstantinou, Nikos 
Aug-2013Dissociable roles of different types of working memory load in visual detectionKonstantinou, Nikos ; Lavie, Nilli 
1-Oct-2020Effects of visual short-term memory load and attentional demand on the contrast response functionKonstantinou, Nikos ; Lavie, Nilli 
28-Sep-2012Visual Short-Term Memory Load Reduces Retinotopic Cortex Response to ContrastKonstantinou, Nikos ; Bahrami, Bahador ; Rees, Geraint ; Lavie, Nilli 
Oct-2014Working memory load and distraction: dissociable effects of visual maintenance and cognitive controlKonstantinou, Nikos ; Beal, Eleanor ; King, Jean-Remi ; Lavie, Nilli