Browsing by Authors Angelides, Demos C.

Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017Clustering techniques for data analysis and data completion of monitored structural responses of an offshore floating structurePanapakidis, Ioannis P. ; Michailides, Constantine ; Angelides, Demos C. 
Apr-2019A data-driven short-term forecasting model for offshore wind speed prediction based on computational intelligencePanapakidis, Ioannis P. ; Michailides, Constantine ; Angelides, Demos C. 
Apr-2019Implementation of pattern recognition algorithms in processing incomplete wind speed data for energy assessment of offshore wind turbinesPanapakidis, Ioannis P. ; Michailides, Constantine ; Angelides, Demos C. 
2013Monitoring the Response of connected moored floating modulesMichailides, Constantine ; Loukogeorgaki, Eva ; Angelides, Demos C. 
1-Apr-2005Use of multimedia and the world wide web in civil engineering learningGolias, Mihalis ; Angelides, Demos C. ; Marnas, Stelios I. ; Vrakas, Dimitris