Browsing by Author (Thesis) Sirivianos, Michael

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 29  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
May-2023Application for making a more user-friendly intrusion prevention system (Suricata)Hannadjas, Stefanos 
Apr-2022Architecture for Identity verification with privacy-preserving credentials for anonymous access to Online ServicesCharalambous, Markos 
2016AtYourService CY : Create a REST APIΧριστοδούλου, Δημήτρης 
Apr-2021Characterizing Abhorrent, Misinformative, and Mistargeted Content on YouTubePapadamou, Kostantinos 
May-2023Classification of Harmful and Normal client data in social networks with the Help of Machine LearningMarkou, Kostas 
May-2023Crawling Gun black markets using AchePapadopoulos, Demetres 
Dec-2015Designing a Device-Centric Authentication SystemPapadamou, Kostantinos 
2013Detection of fake accounts in social networks using resilient distributed datasetsΟρφανού, Σωτήρης 
2016Detection of sybil accounts in online social networks using rejectoDemetriou, Xenia 
2014E-commerce shield (e-CS): a large-scale distributed price discrimination tracing system.Iordanou, Costas 
Jun-2018Eradicating Friend Spam With Social Rejections Using the "Thinking Like a Vertex" ApproachDemetriou, Xenia 
May-2023Getting Data from Telegram using API CallsChristodoulou, Andreas 
2013An implementation of Sybilrankon Apache GiraphΚαρκούλιας, Νικόλας 
May-2019Order Tracking and Delivery Assisting SystemLambov, Atanas 
May-2021Penetration Testing of a Cyber Safety Family Advice SuiteStavros, Katsouris 
May-2022Penetration Testing on the Infrastructure of a Federated Identity and Authentication ProviderΦωτίου, Ευάγγελος 
May-2019A Privacy-preserving Architecture for Parental Control Tools for the Protection of Minors on Online Social NetworksPapasavva, Antonis S. 
May-2013Social Network “TEPAK”Aguado Velázquez, Daniel ; Algovia García, Angel ; Juarranz Patiño, María 
May-2023Towards a trainee-centric Cyber Range Training PlatformIoannou, Ioannis 
Aug-2021Towards privacy-preserving cybersafety tools by using Federated LearningLeonidou, Pantelitsa