Ioannou, Andri
Ιωάννου, Άντρη

Results 1-20 of 23 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

TitleFunderStatusBudgetExpiration Date
EnhaNcing seCurity And privacy in the Social wEb: a user centered approach for the protection of minorsEuropean CommissionClosed Project€ 2 160 00031-12-2019
Network for sOcial compuTing REsearch (NOTRE)ECClosed Project€ 1 000 00031-12-2018
Creative Multi-modal Information Spaces for Problem-Based LearningClosed Project25000€14-02-2014
EIT Climate-KIC Young Innovators 2020Ongoing Project€53,250.0031-12-2020
European Network For Gender Balance in InformaticsOngoing Project18-10-2024
Female Empowerment in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics in Higher Education (FeSTEM)European CommissionOngoing Project271.788€15-12-2021
Enhancing Research Understanding through Media (ERUM)European CommissionOngoing Project325.301€
Best practices of pedagogical chatbots in higher education (EDUBOTS)Ongoing Project713,578€
Engineering and Industry Innovative Training for Engineers via PBL (ENGINITE)Closed Project219655€31-10-2019
RISE Research Centre on Interactive Media Smart Systems and Emerging Technologies (Stage 2)ECOngoing Project31-10-2024
Innovative Training via Embodied Learning and Multi-Sensory Techniques for Inclusive Education (INTELED)Closed Project31-10-2019
Young Researcher GrantClosed Project30000€
Teachers for a New Era Project at UConn (TNE)Closed Project$5,500,000
The GlobalEd Project (GlobalEd)Closed Project$5,500,000
Multitouch Interactive Tabletops for Collaboration and Peacemaking (PeaceTable)Closed Project40,000€31-12-2013
WoMEnpowerClosed Project$30000
Limassol – One city, the whole worldClosed Project
OpenLang NetworkEuropean CommissionOngoing Project189.310€
Qualitative Study on SELFIE Impact (QUASI)
Entering the EdTech Entrepreneurship World (ENTER_EdTech)€ 987,85031-12-2023