Statistics: International Conference on Virtual Worlds and Games for Serious Applications

From:   ever     To:   now     Change date range
Geo Map
Region #
EU - Europe 185
NA - North America 47
AS - Asia, other 44
AF - Africa 1
Unknown 1002
Total 1279
Country #
FR - France 63
US - United States of America 47
DE - Germany 46
GB - United Kingdom 20
CN - China 16
CY - Cyprus 13
IT - Italy 13
SG - Singapore 9
FI - Finland 8
AT - Austria 6
other - Other Country 1038
Total 1279
City #
Southend 14
Ashburn 11
Limassol 7
Essen 5
Vienna 5
Nicosia 4
Ann Arbor 3
Thessaloniki 3
Athens 2
Barcelona 2
other 1223
Total 1279

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Tot
2019 00 0000 00413 95 31
2020 84 31043 514243 1312 121
2021 717 69912 30351111 725 179
2022 2516 1462217 1041120 1619 180
2023 2127 64311152 1671629 2157 352
2024 643 76322239 311170 00 267
Ever 1279