Peck, Anastasia
Αναστασία Moύσκου-Πεκ
Anastasia Mouskou-Peck CURRICULUM VITAE (July 2019) SURNAME: Peck-Mouskou FIRST NAME: Anastasia ADDRESS: 5, Ethnegersias Street, Nicosia 2406, Cyprus TEL / FAX No: 22-777365 /99689403 E-mail: DATE OF BIRTH : 20 March 1957 STATUS : Married SEX : Female HUSBAND’S NAME : Thomas John COUNTRY OF BIRTH : Cyprus HUSBAND’S PROFESSION : Civil Engineer NATIONALITY : Cypriot / British IDENTITY CARD No : 499230 SOCIAL INS. No.: 479371 CURRENT POSITION: Assistant Professor (Entagmeni), Language Centre, Cyprus University of Technology EDUCATION: The Kykko Gymnasium for Girls: 1969-1975 St Godric’s College: September 1975 – June 1976 Diploma in Engl. Studies / Certificate of Proficiency in English Polytechnic of Central London (Westminster University): September 1976 – June 1978 Cambridge Diploma in English Studies Ealing College (Thames University): September 1978 – June 1979 CNAA Postgraduate Diploma in English Studies Institute of Education – London University: April 1995 – January 1998 BEd (Honours) Institute of Education – London University – November 2005 MA in the Learning and Teaching of English and Literacy CAPABILITIES / DUTIES: • Prepare outlines for daily and monthly course of study • Lecture and demonstrate with audio-visual teaching aids • Prepare, administer and correct tests • Maintain order and discipline in large and small classes • Counsel and direct students with educational as well as personal problems • Counsel parents and divert them into remedial action for specific cognitive or emotional problems of students • Invigilating and following exam procedures • Train and develop students in verbal and written expression • Introduce students to a diversity of cultural and linguistic aspects of the language • Co-Editor of HTI Review • Member of Publication Committee of Higher Technical Institute • Hellenic Bank chief examiner for English • Ministry of Education, State Institutes examiner of English • Coordinator of ReCILLC –Language Centre • Safety committee member • English course coordinator • Exemptions committee member • Staff evaluation committee WORK HISTORY: 1979 – 1981 Cyprus Tourism Organization (London): Position – Tourist Officer 1986 – 2010 Ministry of Education – State Institutes: Position – Teacher of English 1986 – 2001 Private Tuition/Groups1994 – 2001 Co-coordinator / Chief Examiner for the English Language Assessment Examination, Hellenic Bank Ltd. 1999 – 2010 Lecturer of English and Report Writing – Higher Technical Institute 2011 – present Senior Lecturer of English – Cyprus University of Technology, Limassol ACHIEVEMENTS: • Successfully prepared a great number of students (children and adults) to undertake a variety of examinations: G.C.E., FCE, Certificate of Attainment (various levels), IELTS, University Entrance examinations – Proficiency examinations – various Government examinations • Tutored adult students to achieve an MA in European Law and MA in Educational Management • Repeatedly being chosen to teach at advanced levels • Designed and developed teaching techniques to suit individual needs and requirements • Research on the History of the Cyprus Educational system since the establishment of the Cyprus Republic • Coordinator of ReCILLC (Research and Collaborative Interactive Learning Centre) LGC • Member of the Quality Control Committee • Member of the Diagnostic Test Committee • Member of the Quality Committee (Placement test) • Member of the Language Centre evaluating committee for teaching posts • Member of the Exemptions Committee • Member of the Building safety Committee, language centre • Member of the timetable committee • Coordinator of the MA examination qualifying language level • IPOD project evaluator/examiner • Translations evaluator • EuroCALL 2016 organising committee member COURSES / SEMINARS: • IATEFL course of instruction: Making Teaching More Learner Centered Through the use of Communicative Activities (June 1992) • Course in Foreign Language Teaching Principles (February 1992) • Workshop on Professional Behaviour (Cyprus Academy of Public Administration – June 2000) • ISO 9000: 2000 Awareness Training Course (April 2001) • Attendance Certificate for new employees in Public Sector (January 2003) • MS Word 2000 (October 2003) • MS PowerPoint 2000 (December 2003) • Introduction to Windows (November 2005) • MS Excel for Windows (January 2004) • Internet and MS Outlook (November 2004) • Short course on: Connecting Policy With Practice, June 2004 – London University Institute of Education • Conference on: Discourses of Difference Within and Beyond Education – London University, Institute of Education (November 2004) • Short course on: Introducing Creativity into Language Teaching (December 2004) – University of Sunderland (Lifelong Learning) • Short course on: Diversity in Language Learning and Teaching : Chalmers University, Gothenburg, Sweden (June 2006) • Short course on: Lifelong Learning: Stirling University, Scotland (June 2007) • Participation in the 4th International Postgraduate Conference in Translation and Textual Studies – Dublin City University (2008) • Participation in Expolingua Berlin Conference on General Learning Techniques (November 2009) • Participation in the 1st International Conference on Testing and Assessment – Cyprus University (June 2011) • Participation in Workshops through INSET (Internal Service Training) (2011) - (MOODLE – CALL CEFR alignment – Google website creating – Research Methods – the use of Blogs – ECTS Tuning – LC Quality Control • 1St International Conference on language Testing & Assessment 3-5 June 2011- University of Cyprus • CYTEA (Cyprus Teachers of English Association) “ EFL: Responding to Changing Times” 19 November 2011- European University -Nicosia • Participation in Workshops through INSET (Internal Service Training) (2012) – PHOTOSHOP – HOT POTATOES – AUDACITY – MOODLE Grading system – CALL Taxonomy – Integrating Wikis in ESP – WIKI use at LC – Combining ICT tools to create a successful ESP University course – ELT Material Development using You Tube – Technology in ELT: The Blogging Experience • Participation in the 3rd CBLA SIG Symposium programme organized by EALTA -“Test Washback in the Language Classroom”- Nicosia 2-3 November 2012 • Participation in E-Library USA seminar – CUT Limassol November 2012 • Participation in the presentation “Managing Cultural Diversity on a Social and Educational Level’' by George Nicolaou (Lecturer) - University of Ioannina- CUT Limassol December2012 • Participation in a colloquium “Research Directions in the field of Languages “ – CUT Limassol-December 2012 • IATEFL course of instruction: Making Teaching More Learner Centered Through the use of Communicative Activities (June 1992) • Course in Foreign Language Teaching Principles (February 1992) • Workshop on Professional Behaviour (Cyprus Academy of Public Administration – June 2000) • ISO 9000: 2000 Awareness Training Course (April 2001) • Attendance Certificate for new employees in Public Sector (January 2003) • MS Word 2000 (October 2003) • MS PowerPoint 2000 (December 2003) • Introduction to Windows (November 2005) • MS Excel for Windows (January 2004) • Internet and MS Outlook (November 2004) • Short course on: Connecting Policy With Practice, June 2004 – London University Institute of Education • Conference on: Discourses of Difference Within and Beyond Education – London University, Institute of Education (November 2004) • Short course on: Introducing Creativity into Language Teaching (December 2004) – University of Sunderland (Lifelong Learning) • Short course on: Diversity in Language Learning and Teaching: Chalmers University, Gothenburg, Sweden (June 2006) • Short course on: Lifelong Learning: Stirling University, Scotland (June 2007) • Participation in the 4th International Postgraduate Conference in Translation and Textual Studies – Dublin City University (2008) • Participation in Expolingua Berlin Conference on General Learning Techniques (November 2009) • Participation in the 1st International Conference on Testing and Assessment – Cyprus University (June 2011) • Participation in Workshops through INSET (Internal Service Training) (2011) - (MOODLE – CALL CEFR alignment – Google website creating – Research Methods – the use of Blogs – ECTS Tuning – LC Quality Control • 1St International Conference on language Testing & Assessment 3-5 June 2011- University of Cyprus • CYTEA (Cyprus Teachers of English Association) “ EFL: Responding to Changing Times” 19 November 2011- European University -Nicosia • Participation in Workshops through INSET (Internal Service Training) (2012) – PHOTOSHOP – HOT POTATOES – AUDACITY – MOODLE Grading system – CALL Taxonomy – Integrating Wikis in ESP – WIKI use at LC – Combining ICT tools to create a successful ESP University course – ELT Material Development using You Tube – Technology in ELT: The Blogging Experience • Participation in the 3rd CBLA SIG Symposium programme organized by EALTA -“Test Washback in the Language Classroom”- Nicosia 2-3 November 2012 • Participation in E-Library USA seminar – CUT Limassol November 2012 • Participation in the presentation “Managing Cultural Diversity on a Social and Educational Level” by George Nicolaou (Lecturer) - University of Ioannina- CUT Limassol December2012 • Participation in a colloquium “Research Directions in the field of Languages “ – CUT Limassol-December 2012 • IATEFL course of instruction: Making Teaching More Learner Centered Through the use of Communicative Activities (June 1992) • Course in Foreign Language Teaching Principles (February 1992) • Workshop on Professional Behaviour (Cyprus Academy of Public Administration – June 2000) • ISO 9000: 2000 Awareness Training Course (April 2001) • Attendance Certificate for new employees in Public Sector (January 2003) • MS Word 2000 (October 2003) • MS PowerPoint 2000 (December 2003) • Introduction to Windows (November 2005) • MS Excel for Windows (January 2004) • Internet and MS Outlook (November 2004) • Short course on: Connecting Policy With Practice, June 2004 – London University Institute of Education • Conference on: Discourses of Difference Within and Beyond Education – London University, Institute of Education (November 2004) • Short course on: Introducing Creativity into Language Teaching (December 2004) – University of Sunderland (Lifelong Learning) • Short course on: Diversity in Language Learning and Teaching : Chalmers University, Gothenberg, Sweden (June 2006) • Short course on: Lifelong Learning: Stirling University, Scotland (June 2007) • Participation in the 4th International Postgraduate Conference in Translation and Textual Studies – Dublin City University (2008) • Participation in Expolingua Berlin Conference on General Learning Techniques (November 2009) • Participation in the 1st International Conference on Testing and Assessment – Cyprus University (June 2011) • Participation in Workshops through INSET (Internal Service Training) (2011) - (MOODLE – CALL CEFR alignment – Google website creating – Research Methods – the use of Blogs – ECTS Tuning – LC Quality Control • 1St International Conference on language Testing & Assessment 3-5 June 2011- University of Cyprus • CYTEA (Cyprus Teachers of English Association) “ EFL: Responding to Changing Times” 19 November 2011- European University -Nicosia • Participation in Workshops through INSET (Internal Service Training) (2012) – PHOTOSHOP – HOT POTATOES – AUDACITY – MOODLE Grading system – CALL Taxonomy – Integrating Wikis in ESP – WIKI use at LC – Combining ICT tools to create a successful ESP University course – ELT Material Development using You Tube – Technology in ELT: The Blogging Experience • Participation in the 3rd CBLA SIG Symposium programme organized by EALTA -“Test Washback in the Language Classroom”- Nicosia 2-3 November 2012 • Participation in E-Library USA seminar – CUT Limassol November 2012 • Participation in the presentation “Managing Cultural Diversity on a Social and Educational Level” by George Nicolaou (Lecturer) - University of Ioannina- CUT Limassol December2012 • Participation in a colloquium “Research Directions in the field of Languages “ – CUT Limassol-December 2012 • INSET June 2013 i) Why social media in education-by Demetris Boglou ii) Moodle workshop training iii) New technologies and information in teaching by Nicos Ioannou & kika Christou iv) MALL: Future directions for BYOD applications by Dr Jack Burston • Participation in 4th CBLA SIG Symposium Programme organized by EALTA – ‘’ Language Assessment Literacy – LAL ‘’- November 1-2 2013, Nicosia i) Language Assessment Literacy: What are the ingredients? ii) Setting up an LAL framework: the process iii) Assessment literacy for language teachers iv) Assessment literacy in practice- a socio-cognitive approach to designing assessments for reading v) Language assessment literacy vi) Peer assessment of oral performances for teacher training purposes vii) Learning-oriented assessment: strengthening the link between learning, teaching and assessment viii) Learning-orientated assessment: a practical approach • • Participation in CYTEA (Cyprus Teachers of English Association) - ‘’Language learning: A response to Challenging times?’’ November 9-10 2013 , European University , Nicosia • Participation in Researchers’ symposium November 3 2013 , CUT Limassol i) Multiliqualism in urban communities ii) Examining the perspectives of identity iii) Profiles and Survival strategies in an era of diminishing resources iv) Using text-based synchronous discussion in EFL in a higher context v) Using phenomenography to capture the variation of students’ attitudes towards CALL • Workshop participation in FLIT 2013 (Foreign Language Instructional Technology) –Language on-line tests and automatic evaluation • E- innovative Learning :Language on-line tests and automatic evaluation December 7 2013, University of Cyprus Language Centre, Nicosia • Workshop participation in ReLANpro Cloud Learning System, December 16 2013 ,CUT Limassol • INSET 2014, 2-27 June 2014 i) QR code workshop ii) Quality factors workshop iii) Courses preparation iv) E-CAT workshop by Dr. Jack Burston • The language in the education of Cyprus today , 5 March 2014 at CUT, Limassol by Dr Panayiotis Persianis • European Day of Languages , 8 October 2014 at CUT, Limassol • Multimedia Editing workshop, 16 September 2014 by Dr Jack Burston at CUT, Limassol • Sketching the linquistic and multi-cultural scene both in Cyprus and Australia, 8 October 2014 at CUT, Limassol • EALTA 5th CBLA SIG Symposium programme ‘ Issues in classroom based language assessment’ , 1 November 2014 at the University of Cyprus • CYTEA ‘New Literacies- teachers and Learners’ , ‘Assessment for Learning- The what’s and how’s’ , 8-9 November 2014 at the European University, Cyprus • LING (Cyprus Linguistic Society) Presentation by Dr Haralambakis ‘Χρηστικό Λεξικό της Νεοελληνικής Γλώσσας’ , Cyprus University, Nicosia • DOTSOFT- an E-Learning Workshop 6-8 April 2015, at the Language Centre of the CUT, Limassol, Cyprus • The EuroCALL Teacher Education SIG Lemesos, 28-30 May 2015, Cyprus • INSET, LC 2015: Workshops: Best Teaching Practices Cases: show and tell Poster Presentation: Aligning ESP courses with CEFR (Cercles) Presentation: Instagram Poster Presentation: Collaborative writing for the Italian language through Google docs and wikis • • 22nd EuroCALL Conference attendance 26-29 August 2015, Padova, Italy Communication patterns in TC exchanges(Tool affordances): The development of intercultural communicative competence, Pedagogical innovative changes, Integrating CALL into EAP courses-Constraints and Affordances • European Day of Languages -‘The continuous contribution of the Greek language to other languages’- attendance to a presentation by George Kanarakis –CUT Lemesos, 26 November 2015 • ‘Inspiring Internet Tools for language teachers ‘-Presentation by Fernando Rosell-Aguilar, CUT Language Centre, 20 November 2015 • ELT for a day: Current Trends –Conference participation, University of Cyprus Nicosia,12 December 2015 • INSET, LC 2016 –PhD colloquium SPSS Workshop • 1st Young Researchers, Language Centre, University of Cyprus, June 2 2016 • CALL Communities and Culture 24-27 August 2016 • RANACLES 2016, Sorbonne University, Paris 24-26 November 2016 • Enriching your Foreign Language Class through digital story-telling, CUT Language Centre 26 April 2017 (Presenter: Dr. Ana Sevilla Pavon, University of Valencia • Teacher Development in TESOL, University of Nicosia, 29 April 2017 • ELT for a day: Current Trends-Conference Participation, University of Cyprus Nicosia, 20 May 2017 • Create, Present and Engage Interactively in Language Teaching through the use of Nearpod, CUT Language Centre (Presenter Dr. Androula Athanasiou), 6 May 2017 • INSET, LC, June 2017, Workshops:21st Century Skills, Constructivism, Video and Story Telling by Jamie Keddie • Workshop by Erasmus colleagues from Rio De Janeiro, CUT Language Centre 30 June 2017 • 4th Slovak International Conference on Language: Literature and Culture in Education LLCE 11-13 July, Florence • EuroCALL 2017, CALL in a climate of change: Adapting at Global Conditions, 23-26 August 2017, Southampton University • 15th Annual EALTA Conference (European Association for Language Testing and Assessment)- Ruhr-Universitat Bochum, Germany 27-27 May 2018 • Promoting and Spreading Excellence COST Information Day 31 October 2018, Filoxenia Conference Centre Nicosia • ICERI 2018 (International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation) Seville, Spain 12-14 November 2018 • CYTEA (Cyprus Teachers of English Association),European University Cyprus Nicosia,8-9 December 2018 • INSET 2018: Workshops: DI.P.A.E./ECTS CEFR Fine Tuning, Research colloquium on gamification, Workshop on “A glimpse to the CEFR companion volume: Food for thought • INSET 2019-June: Workshops: Erasmus Plus, COST Action, • CYTEA Workshop: Multimedia language learning with digital technologies, by Joe Dale-Frederick University – 21-22 June 2019 • EDULEARN 2019-International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies-Palma, Mallorca, Spain 1-3 July 2019 • EDULEARN 2019- International Conference on Education and New learning Technologies-Palma, Mallorca, Spain 30 June 2019-Pre-Conference Workshop: Google Research and Teaching Academy • COST – Workshop 6 September 2019, “New Linguistic and Cognitive perspectives in study abroad research”- Cyprus university of Technology, Limassol • Language Learning for Professional Purposes in Hospitality and Tourism, International Conference, Filoxenia Conference Centre November 15-16, 2019 Professional organisations • Member- International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL) • Member- The European Association for Computer Assisted Language Learning (EUROCALL) • Member – European Association for Language Testing (EALTA) • Member – The Cypriot Association for Teachers of English (CyTEA) • Member- Teaching English to Speakers of other Languages (TESOL) • Member- European Cooperation of Science and Technology (COST) PUBLICATIONS: • “What do learners of English as an additional language need to learn?” HTI Review 2001-2002. • “Writing in Higher Education in Relation to the Science World” - HTI Review 2003-2004. • “Arguing a case for English” - HTI Review 2004-2005. • “Technology, Language and the Inevitable Creation of New Literacies”- HTI Review 2005-2006. • “The Case for English as a Language of Instruction in a Technological University in Cyprus” - Institute of Education – London University 2005. • “Reading Science” – HTI Review 2006-2007.