Results 1-4 of 4 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1Apr-2019The “genius loci” of places that experience intense tourism developmentChristou, Prokopis A. ; Farmaki, Anna ; Saveriades, Alexis ; Spanou-Tripinioti, Elena 
2Mar-2019Perceptions of Pafos as European Capital of Culture: tourism stakeholder and resident perspectivesFarmaki, Anna ; Christou, Prokopis A. ; Saveriades, Alexis ; Spanou-Tripinioti, Elena 
328-Oct-2018Residents’ perceptions and attitudes towards sustainable tourism development: The case of Larnaca, CyprusSpanou-Tripinioti, Elena ; Saveriades, Alexis ; Farmaki, Anna 
421-Oct-2018The genius loci and tourism development nexusChristou, Prokopis A. ; Farmaki, Anna ; Saveriades, Alexis ; Spanou-Tripinioti, Elena