Results 1-7 of 7 (Search time: 0.011 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
110-Jan-2022Emerging Technologies and Museums: Mediating Difficult Heritage
22021Contested Perceptions of Archaeological Sites in Cyprus: Communities and Their Claims on Their PastBounia, Alexandra ; Nikolaou, Polina ; Stylianou-Lambert, Theopisti 
3Jul-2018The ‘Unsafe’ museum: imagining the Ledra Palace MuseumStylianou-Lambert, Theopisti ; Bounia, Alexandra 
4Jan-2016The political museum: power, conflict and identity in CyprusStylianou-Lambert, Theopisti ; Bounia, Alexandra 
52016Political museum : power, conflict, and identity in CyprusStylianou-Lambert, Theopisti ; Bounia, Alexandra 
62015Politics, tourism and cultural Sustainability: the construction of heritage in CyprusStylianou-Lambert, Theopisti ; Boukas, Nikolaos ; Bounia, Alexandra 
7Apr-2014Resisting Institutional Power : The Women of St. BarnabasStylianou-Lambert, Theopisti ; Bounia, Alexandra ; Hardy, Sam Andrew