Results 1-6 of 6 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1Apr-2022Nonlinear structural stability of functionally optimized sandwich structuresGeorgiou, Christodoulos 
2May-2021Advances in nonlinear buckling mode interaction modelling for sandwich struts with functionally graded coresGeorgiou, Christodoulos ; Yiatros, Stylianos 
31-Dec-2015Localized buckling in sandwich struts with inhomogeneous deformations in both face platesYiatros, Stylianos ; Marangos, Orestes ; Wadee, M. Ahmer ; Georgiou, Christodoulos 
4Jul-2014Shaping the composition profiles in heteroepitaxial quantum dots: Interplay of thermodynamic and kinetic effectsGeorgiou, Christodoulos ; Leontiou, Theodoros ; Kelires, Pantelis C. 
52013Advances in the modelling of sandwich structures with functionally graded coresGeorgiou, Christodoulos ; Völlmecke, Christina ; Yiatros, Stylianos 
614-Sep-2010A BIM-based framework for forecasting and visualizing seismic damage, cost and time to repairChristodoulou, S. E. ; Vamvatsikos, D. ; Georgiou, Christodoulos