Mavri, Aekaterini
Μαυρή, Αικατερίνη

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Title Activity description Work accomplishedStart dateEnd date
CUT ΙΧΝ coordination for Cyprus University of technology - 2021 - 2024Since 2021, students at the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT) have participated in the Industry Exchange Network (IXN) program, developed and managed by the University College London (UCL). The IXN pedagogical approach, established by Prof Dean Mohamedally and Prof Graham Roberts, has been endorsed as best practice by the UK government ( The IXN provides a two-way opportunity for university students and partners to collaborate on live projects assigned by local and international industry partners. CUT has signed a memorandum of understanding with UCL to create the CUT IXN programme with an aim to implement the UCL Industry Exchange Network (IXN) model within its program of studies (