Kambanaros, Maria
Καμπανάρος, Μαρία

Results 1-20 of 86 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Speech TitleEvent Name Invitation TypeDateLocation
The picture-naming paradigm for assessing lexical retrieval deficitsWorkshop on Behavioral Data in Linguistic StudiesInvitation as keynote speaker18-12-2019Greece
Principles of neuroplasticity” in assessment and therapy of aphasic language”. , . (November 8–10).2nd Scientific Conference Speech-Language Therapy SELLEinvited quest speaker08-11-2019Patras, Greece
A neuroscience approach to aphasia treatment20th Anniversary of the Talkback Association for Aphasia Inc.invited quest speaker01-06-2019Adelaide, Australia
Compounds: Words at the semantic-pragmatic interface. Interpretation by children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and adults with Alzheimer’s Dementia (AD)Multifaceted Multilingualism Workshop at Australian Linguistic Societyinvited speaker09-12-2018University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia
Assessment and treatment of a vocabulary deficit in a multilingual child with SLILanguage and Literacy Development in Multilingual and Multilectal Contexts: Theoretical and Applied Perspectivesinvited speaker12-03-2018Bar-Ilan University, Tel Aviv, Israel.
Language in schizophrenia1st Conference of Organic Psychiatry, Conference & Cultural Centreinvited speaker12-10-2017University of Patras, Greece
Evaluating developmental and acquired language impairments: A survey of studies”1st International Conference on Interdisciplinary Approaches to Lingu-istic Theoryinvited speaker06-10-2017University of Crete, Rethymnon, Greece
Aphasia after stroke: Implications for public health2nd Public Health Day: Research in Cyprus, Cyprus International Institute for Environmental and Public Health,invited speaker19-09-2016Limassol, Cyprus
Phonological cognate therapy in multilingual specific language impairmentSeptemberfest bilingualism workshopinvited speaker10-09-2016CAT Lab, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus
Is language in the brain?1st Mediterranean Science Festivalinvited speaker03-12-2015Carob Mill, Limassol, Cyprus
Round Table Discussant: Where are we now & where are we going from here?Bi-SLI 2015invited speaker03-07-2015François Rabelais University, Tours
Treating word retrieval deficits using cognate-based therapy in a multilingual child with SLI15th Panhellenic Conference of the Psychological Research, Psychology in Greece and the Mediterraneaninvited speaker27-05-2015University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus
Evaluation and management of speech and language disorders in Alzheimer’s dementia9th Panhellenic Conference on Alzheimer’s Disease & 1st Mediter-ranean on Neurodegenerative Diseasesinvited speaker16-05-2015Grand Hotel Palace, Thessaloniki, Greece
The noun/verb dissociation in language production: A case study from multilingual aphasiaFuture Directions for Aphasia Research, COST Action IS1208 Meetinginvited speaker06-03-2015City University, London, UK
New technologies for the rehabilitation of aphasia1st Symposium on the Rehabilitation of Neurological and Myoskeletal Disordersinvited speaker29-11-2014Cyprus University of Technology, Limassol, Cyprus
Instrumentality and the neurobiological underpinnings of verb processingComparative Biolinguisticsinvited speaker28-11-2013University of Barcelona, Spain
Specifying the specificity of specific language impairmentComparative Biolingu-istics: An Exploratory Workshopinvited speaker28-11-2013University of Barcelona
Verb–noun dissociations across impaired populationsComparative Biolinguistics: An Exploratory Workshopinvited speaker28-11-2013University of Barcelona
Lexical retrieval in anomic aphasia and SLI: More similar than different? Context and word class effectsThree Factors and Beyondinvited speaker16-11-2012Royiatiko Hotel, Nicosia, Cyprus
Keep on talking: A view from multilingual developmental language impairmentTalk in Two Languages: A Problem or a Skill?invited speaker06-11-2012University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK