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Showing results 8843 to 8862 of 11788 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Dec-2022X International Peach Symposium
2011Xenophobia and parental acceptance-rejection childhood experiences of Greek-Cypriot Univeristy studentsDemetriou, Loucia ; Christodoulides, Paul 
Sep-2013Xerostomia in palliative care: The "orphan" symptomCharalambous, Andreas 
May-2022Xωρική ανάλυση των xρήσεων γης στo Ιστoρικό κέντρo της Λευκωσίας (Παλαιά πόλη)Γεωργίoυ, Γιώργoς Xρ. 
2012Y-ers, X-ers and Boomers: Investigating the multigenerational (mis)perceptions in the hospitality workplaceVarnavas, Andreas ; Zopiatis, Anastasios ; Krambia-Kapardis, Maria 
Jun-2021A Yellow Box with a Key Switch and a 1/4″ TRS Balanced Audio OutputKoutsomichalis, Marinos 
Jan-2016Yes, YesKorae, Eva ; Iacovides, Tefkros A. 
2012Young Cypriots online: use of new media and aspects of the digital divide in CyprusMilioni, Dimitra L. 
Mar-2021Your face scares me: Effects of Perceptual load and Social Anxiety on processing of threatening and neutral facesTheodorou, Marios ; Konstantinou, Nikos ; Panayiotou, Georgia 
2010Youth cultures and new media literacy in Cyprus: survey findings from a divided countryMilioni, Dimitra L. 
1-Apr-2016Youth sexual aggression and victimization (Y-SAV) in Cyprus and GreeceKouta, Christiana ; Hadjigeorgiou, Eleni ; Papadakaki, Maria ; Chliaoutakis, Ioannis 
Aug-2014Youth, ethnicity, and a 'reverse digital divide': a study of Internet use in a divided countryMilioni, Dimitra L. ; Doudaki, Vaia ; Demertzis, Nicolas 
2010Yparhoun Perithoria?Korae, Eva ; Herodotou, Monika 
2022Z. Ντεριντά: Αποδόμηση του θεμελιωτισμούKyprianidou, Efi 
2023Zelos Extra Virgin Oil Package DesignPanayides, Angelos 
6-Dec-2024Zero Waste BathroomsZantides, Evripides 
Sep-2018Zero-crossing algorithm for the demodulation of FBGs inscribed in gradient index multimode fibresTheodosiou, Antreas ; Kalli, Kyriacos ; Komodromos, Michael 
2017Zines, journals and Cyprus: paragraphs of thoughtsPanayides, Omiros 
8-Nov-2021Zipping MindsPapadima, Aspasia 
2021Α path to our heart: Visual metaphors and “white” space in advertising aesthetic pleasureMargariti, Kostoula ; Hatzithomas, Leonidas ; Boutsouki, Christina ; Zotos, Yorgos