Browsing by Authors Aslam, Sheraz

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 40  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Sep-2021Automatic generation control of multi-source interconnected power system using FOI-TD controllerDaraz, Amil ; Malik, Suheel Abdullah ; Waseem, Athar ; Azar, Ahmad Taher ; Haq, Ihsan Ul ; Ullah, Zahid ; Aslam, Sheraz 
1-May-2021Automatic generation control strategies in conventional and modern power systems: A comprehensive overviewUllah, Kaleem ; Basit, Abdul ; Ullah, Zahid ; Aslam, Sheraz ; Herodotou, Herodotos 
1-Jul-2023Berth Allocation Considering Multiple Quays: A Practical Approach Using Cuckoo Search OptimizationAslam, Sheraz ; Michaelides, Michalis P. ; Herodotou, Herodotos 
2021Big Maritime Data ManagementHerodotou, Herodotos ; Aslam, Sheraz ; Holm, Henrik ; Theodossiou, Socrates 
2022A Comprehensive Review of Computing Paradigms, enabling Computation Offloading and Task Execution in Vehicular NetworksWaheed, Abdul ; Shah, Munam Ali ; Mohsin, Syed Muhammad ; Khan, Abid ; Maple, Carsten ; Aslam, Sheraz ; Shamshirband, Shahab 
Oct-2022Computational intelligence approaches for optimizing operations in smart portsAslam, Sheraz 
2021Contrast Enhancement of Fundus Images by Employing Modified PSO for Improving the Performance of Deep Learning ModelsAurangzeb, Khursheed ; Aslam, Sheraz ; Alhussein, Musaed ; Naqvi, Rizwan Ali ; Arsalan, Muhammad ; Haider, Syed Irtaza 
1-Aug-2022Data-Intensive Computing in Smart Microgrids: Volume IIHerodotou, Herodotos ; Aslam, Sheraz 
13-Feb-2020Deep learning based techniques to enhance the performance of microgrids: A reviewAslam, Sheraz ; Herodotou, Herodotos ; Ayub, Nasir ; Mohsin, Syed Muhammad 
28-Apr-2021Dynamic and Continuous Berth Allocation using Cuckoo Search OptimizationAslam, Sheraz ; Michaelides, Michalis P. ; Herodotou, Herodotos 
1-Feb-2023Effective and Efficient DDoS Attack Detection Using Deep Learning Algorithm, Multi-Layer PerceptronAhmed, Sheeraz ; Khan, Zahoor Ali ; Mohsin, Syed Muhammad ; Latif, Shahid ; Aslam, Sheraz ; Mujlid, Hana ; Adil, Muhammad ; Najam, Zeeshan 
Nov-2020An Efficient Credit Card Fraud Detection System using Deep-learning based ApproachesAli, Ishtiaq ; Aurangzeb, Khursheed ; Awais, Muhammad ; Ul Hussen Khan, Raja Jalees ; Aslam, Sheraz 
1-Apr-2023An Efficient Healthcare Data Mining Approach Using Apriori Algorithm: A Case Study of Eye Disorders in Young AdultsGulzar, Kanza ; Ayoob Memon, Muhammad ; Mohsin, Syed Muhammad ; Aslam, Sheraz ; Akber, Syed Muhammad Abrar ; Nadeem, Muhammad Asghar 
30-Apr-2020Empowering Cloud of Things with Edge Computing: A Comparative AnalysisMohsin, Sajjad Muhammad ; Aslam, Sheraz ; Akber, Syed Muhammad Abrar ; Iqbal, Arshad ; Waheed, Abdul ; Ikram, Amra 
2019Energy forecasting using multiheaded convolutional neural networks in efficient renewable energy resources equipped with energy storage systemAurangzeb, Khursheed ; Aslam, Sheraz ; Haider, Syed Irtaza ; Mohsin, Syed Muhammad ; Islam, Saif Ul ; Khattak, Hasan Ali ; Shah, Sajid 
10-Jun-2022Enhanced Berth Allocation Using the Cuckoo Search AlgorithmAslam, Sheraz ; Michaelides, Michalis P. ; Herodotou, Herodotos 
1-Jan-2023An Enhanced Virtual Cord Protocol Based Multi-Casting Strategy for the Effective and Efficient Management of Mobile Ad Hoc NetworksLatif, Sohaib ; Fang, Xianwen ; Mohsin, Syed Muhammad ; Akber, Syed Muhammad Abrar ; Aslam, Sheraz ; Mujlid, Hana ; Ullah, Kaleem 
2021A Fair Pricing Mechanism in Smart Grids for Low Energy Consumption UsersAurangzeb, Khursheed ; Aslam, Sheraz ; Mohsin, Syed Muhammad ; Alhussein, Musaed 
Oct-2020Internet of Ships: A Survey on Architectures, Emerging Applications, and ChallengesAslam, Sheraz ; Michaelides, Michalis P. ; Herodotou, Herodotos 
2020A Lightweight Post-Quantum Lattice-Based RSA for Secure CommunicationsMustafa, Iqra ; Khan, Imranullah ; Aslam, Sheraz ; Sajid, Ahthasham ; Mohsin, Syed Muhammad ; Awais, Muhammad ; Qureshi, Muhammad Bilal