| Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
| Apr-2015 | Automatic matching of software component requirements using semi-formal specifications and a CBSE ontology | Andreou, Andreas S. ; Papatheocharous, Efi |
| May-2009 | Classification and prediction of software cost through fuzzy decision trees | Papatheocharous, Efi ; Andreou, Andreas S. |
| Jun-2011 | Cost modeling and estimation in agile software development environments using influence diagrams | Papatheocharous, Efi ; Trikomitou, Despoina ; Andreou, Andreas S. ; Yiasemis, Pantelis |
| 13-Aug-2014 | Empirical evidence and state of practice of software agile teams | Papatheocharous, Efi ; Andreou, Andreas S. |
| May-2011 | ETracer: An innovative object tracking and tracing platform | Konstantinidis, Vasileios ; Papatheocharous, Efi ; Andreou, Andreas S. |
| 1-Jan-2009 | Evaluating risks in software negotiations through fuzzy cognitive maps | Papatheocharous, Efi ; Andreou, Andreas S. ; Rodrigues, Sergio Assis ; De Souza, Jano Moreira |
| 1-Jan-2013 | Evidence of Agile Adoption in Software Organizations: An Empirical Survey | Papatheocharous, Efi ; Andreou, Andreas S. |
| Oct-2007 | Evolving conditional value sets of cost factors for estimating software development effort | Papatheocharous, Efi ; Andreou, Andreas S. ; Skouroumounis, Christos |
| Sep-2010 | Feature subset selection for software cost modelling and estimation | Papatheocharous, Efi ; Papadopoulos, Harris ; Andreou, Andreas S. |
| Jun-2010 | A genetic programming approach to software cost modeling and estimation | Papatheocharous, Efi ; Iasonos, Angela ; Andreou, Andreas S. |
| Apr-2009 | Hybrid computational models for software cost prediction: An approach using artificial neural networks and genetic algorithms | Papatheocharous, Efi ; Andreou, Andreas S. |
| 14-Dec-2011 | A Hybrid Software Cost Estimation Approach Utilizing Decision Trees and Fuzzy Logic | Papatheocharous, Efi ; Andreou, Andreas S. |
| Jan-2015 | Integrating non-parametric models with linear components for producing software cost estimations | Mittas, Nikolaos ; Papatheocharous, Efi ; Angelis, Lefteris ; Andreou, Andreas S. |
| 21-Jun-2017 | An investigation of effort distribution among development phases: A four-stage progressive software cost estimation model | Papatheocharous, Efi ; Bibi, Stamatia ; Stamelos, Ioannis ; Andreou, Andreas S. |
| Sep-2012 | An investigation of software effort phase distribution using compositional data analysis | Chatzipetrou, Panagiota ; Papatheocharous, Efi ; Angelis, Lefteris ; Andreou, Andreas S. |
| 1-Mar-2015 | A multivariate statistical framework for the analysis of software effort phase distribution | Chatzipetrou, Panagiota ; Papatheocharous, Efi ; Angelis, Lefteris ; Andreou, Andreas S. |
| Oct-2010 | On the problem of attribute selection for software cost estimation: Input backward elimination using artificial neural networks | Papatheocharous, Efi ; Andreou, Andreas S. |
| Apr-2009 | Reliable confidence intervals for software effort estimation | Andreou, Andreas S. ; Papadopoulos, Harris ; Papatheocharous, Efi |
| Jun-2008 | Size and effort-based computational models for software cost prediction | Andreou, Andreas S. ; Papatheocharous, Efi |
| 1-Dec-2007 | Software cost estimation using artificial neural networks with inputs selection | Andreou, Andreas S. ; Papatheocharous, Efi |