| Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
| 3-Mar-2015 | Adaptive calibration of an underwater robot vision system based on hemispherical optics | Constantinou, Christos C. ; Loizou, Savvas ; Georgiades, George P. ; Potyagaylo, Svetlana ; Skarlatos, Dimitrios |
| 2010 | Architecture, abstractions, and algorithms for controlling large teams of robots: experimental testbed and results | Michael, Nathan ; Fink, Jonathan R. ; Loizou, Savvas |
| Feb-2016 | Asynchronous UKF-based localization of an underwater robotic vehicle for aquaculture inspection operations | Potyagaylo, Svetlana ; Constantinou, Christos C. ; Georgiades, George P. ; Loizou, Savvas |
| 2005 | Automated planning of motion tasks for multi-robot systems | Kyriakopoulos, Kostas J. ; Loizou, Savvas |
| Dec-2018 | Automatic Controller Synthesis of Motion-Tasks with Real-Time Objectives | Constantinou, Christos C. ; Loizou, Savvas |
| 2004 | Automatic synthesis of multi-agent motion tasks based on LTL specifications | Kyriakopoulos, Kostas J. ; Loizou, Savvas |
| 1-Jan-2023 | Autonomous Task Planning for Heterogeneous Multi-Agent Systems | Tziola, Anatoli A. ; Loizou, Savvas |
| Jun-2018 | Avoiding sets of measure-zero in navigation transformation based controllers | Loizou, Savvas |
| 2007 | Biologically inspired bearing-only navigation and tracking | Kumar, Vijay R. ; Loizou, Savvas |
| 2011 | Closed form navigation functions based on harmonic potentials | Loizou, Savvas |
| 2003 | Closed loop motion planning and control for mobile robots in uncertain environments | Tanner, Herbert G. ; Kumar, Vijay R. ; Loizou, Savvas |
| 2003 | Closed loop navigation for mobile agents in dynamic environments | Tanner, Herbert G. ; Kumar, Vijay R. ; Loizou, Savvas |
| 2002 | Closed loop navigation for multiple holonomic vehicles | Kyriakopoulos, Kostas J. ; Loizou, Savvas |
| 2003 | Closed loop navigation for multiple non-holonomic vehicles | Kyriakopoulos, Kostas J. ; Loizou, Savvas |
| 7-Sep-2021 | Combined Energy-oriented Path following and Collision Avoidance approach for Autonomous Electric Vehicles via Nonlinear Model Predictive Control | Bifulco, Gennaro Nicola ; Coppola, Angelo ; Loizou, Savvas ; Petrillo, Alberto ; Santini, Stefania |
| 2021 | Connectivity Preserving Formation Stabilization in an obstacle-cluttered environment in the presence of time-varying communication delays | Loizou, Savvas ; Lui, Dario Giuseppe ; Petrillo, Alberto ; Santini, Stefania |
| 2007 | Control of the multi agent micro-robotic platform MiCRoN | Vartholomeos, Panagiotis ; Thiel, Michael ; Loizou, Savvas |
| 4-Oct-2006 | Control of the multi agent micro-robotic platform miCRoN | Vartholomeos, Panagiotis ; Loizou, Savvas ; Thiel, Michael ; Kyriakopoulos, Kostas ; Papadopoulos, Evangelos |
| 12-May-2009 | Coordination of multiple non-holonomic agents with input constraints | Oikonomopoulos, Apollon S. ; Loizou, Savvas ; Kyriakopoulos, Kostas J. |
| 2004 | Decentralized feedback stabilization of multiple nonholonomic agents | Dimarogonas, Dimos V. ; Kyriakopoulos, Kostas J. ; Loizou, Savvas |