Mediterranean Network for Custom Procedures and Simplification of Clearance in Ports

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Project title
Mediterranean Network for Custom Procedures and Simplification of Clearance in Ports
Project Coordinator
Start date
Expected Completion
The proposed project aims to establish and operate a network of port authorities and transport experts in the Mediterranean region, focusing on the exchange of knowledge and expertise with regard to port and custom procedures and simplification of clearance for vessels and cargoes. This is expected to enhance the common understanding and promote the introduction of information systems to ports operation and potentially to other intermodal modes. The MEDNET project intends to make a significant contribution towards customs procedures and simplification of clearance for vessels and cargoes in Mediterranean area through a series of activities. Initially, a state of the art analysis will record the past and current customs practices and related legislation and create a “Port Operations Observatory in the Mediterranean”, whose purpose is the transparent sharing of best practice solutions with all stakeholders, extending, thus, the knowledge dissemination among European countries and along the port community. Subsequently, the bottlenecks that hinder the efficient flow of information will be identified and current administrative, regulatory and technical barriers will be analyzed. In addition, the project will identify windows of opportunity in view of simplifying and speeding up procedures.