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Showing results 187 to 206 of 392 < previous   next >
FullnameGreek NameDepartment
Kyprianidou, MariaΚυπριανίδου, ΜαρίαCyprus International Institute for Environmental and Public Health
Kyprianou, MariaLibrary and Information Services
Kyranou, MariaΚυράνου, ΜαρίαDepartment of Nursing
Kyriacou, Efthyvoulos C.Κυριάκου, ΕυθύβουλοςDepartment of Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering and Informatics
Kyriacou, EvdoxiaΚυριάκου, Ευδοξία
Kyriakides, MariosΚυριακίδης, ΜάριοςDepartment of Civil Engineering and Geomatics
Kyriakides, NicholasΚυριακίδης, ΝικόλαςDepartment of Civil Engineering and Geomatics
Kyriakidis, PhaedonΚυριακίδης, ΦαίδωνDepartment of Civil Engineering and Geomatics
Kyriakou, KyriakiΚυριάκου, ΚυριακήDepartment of Rehabilitation Sciences
Kyza, Eleni A.Κύζα, ΕλένηDepartment of Communication and Internet Studies
Laghos, AndrewΛαγός, ΑνδρέαςDepartment of Multimedia and Graphic Arts
Lambertides, NeophytosΛαμπερτίδης, ΝεόφυτοςDepartment of Finance, Accounting and Management Science
Lambrinos, LambrosΛαμπρινός, ΛάμπροςDepartment of Communication and Internet Studies
Lambrinou, EkateriniΛαμπρινού, ΑικατερίνηDepartment of Nursing
Lanitis, AndreasΛανίτης, ΑνδρέαςDepartment of Multimedia and Graphic Arts
Leonidou, ErasmiaΛεωνίδου, ΕρασμίαDepartment of Communication and Marketing
Leonidou, PantelitsaDepartment of Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering and Informatics
Leventis, GeorgiosΛεβέντης, ΓεώργιοςDepartment of Civil Engineering and Geomatics
Liarokapis, FotisΛιαροκάπης, ΦώτηςDepartment of Civil Engineering and Geomatics
Liasidou, SotiroulaΛιασίδου, ΣωτηρούλαDepartment of Hospitality and Tourism Management